Modern Challenges in Nonlinear Plasma Physics : A Festschrift Honoring the Career of Dennis Papadopoulos
The conference focused on open problems in 3 branches of plasma physics, the study of large systems of charged particles: the near-Earth space environment (geospace), the Sun and its environment, and laboratory-produced plasmas. There are many common threads in the physics of these systems: energization of charge particles to relativistic energies, linear waves and shock waves, the transformation of magnetic energy to kinetic energy (reconnection), turbulence in magnetic fields and in plasma flows, dusty plasmas, energy transfer mechanisms in astrophysical and space plasmas, etc. The meeting also concentrated on honoring the science career of Professor Konstantinos (Dennis) Papadopoulos, a prolific researcher, space mission and ground campaign leader, teacher, and mentor to many students and postdoctoral scientists over several decades.