Economic interdependence among nations and culture is spawning a global economy. Such Globalization inevitably magnifies the negative consequences of population growth, environmental degradation, and the unequal distribution of resources and wealth among nations. Globalization also promotes clashes of divergent cultures and belief systems, political and religious. As a result, wars and rumors of wars abound. If global peace is ever to be achieved, global-scale education with the use of the modern digital telecommunications will be needed to create mutual understanding among nations, cultures, ethnic groups and religions. The internet is the future of telecommunications and can be a medium for building peace.
The Global University System (GUS) is a worldwide initiative to create satellite/wireless telecommunications infrastructure and educational programs for access to educational resources across national and cultural boundaries for global peace. The GUS helps higher educational institutions in remote/rural areas of developing countries to deploy broadband Internet in order for them to close the digital divide and act as the knowledge center of their community for the eradication of poverty and isolation. Education and job skills are the keys in determining a nation´s wealth and influence. At the ultimate stage, competition among nations will be competition among educational systems. The GUS education thus will promote world prosperity, justice, and peace, based on moral principles rather than political or ideological doctrines. The aim is to achieve ”education and healthcare for all,” anywhere, anytime and at any pace.