CD / Album
1. Scientist
2. We Run Your Life
3. Infiltrator
4. Mind at Sea
5. Dissociation
6. Lexic
7. Slam the Laptop
8. Submit X
9. Professor X (Saga)
10. Nationalised
11. I Belong to the Past
12. Lost Vessel
13. Moving Corridors
14. Musik Politik
15. Night Stalker
16. Aquabahn
17. Ocean Movers (Vcs2600 Science Remix)
18. Bang
19. Running Out of Space
20. Overdrive
21. Vapourised (Lone Lady Remix)
22. Dr. Blowfins' Black Storm Stabilizing Spheres
23. Mind of the Master
24. Vector Plant
25. Night Smoker
26. Serge Fenix Rendered 2
27. Cascading Celestial Giants