CD / Album
1. Caroline
2. Man Smart Woman Smarter (Not Me)
3. Vitalogy
4. Mathilda
5. In the Dew and the Rain
6. Freddo
7. (Shame And) Scandal in the Family
8. Mary Ann
9. Music Lessons
10. Kitch
11. Parakeets
12. The Monkey Song
13. The Lost Watch
16. Go Down Emmanuel Road (Lady Oh)
15. Muriel and the Bug
14. John B Sail (The Wreck of the John B)
17. I Left Her Behind for You
18. You Don't Need Glasses to See (With Gerald Clark)
19. Hold Im Joe (With Gerald Clark)
20. Trouble in America
21. The Big Bamboo
22. Ugly Woman (If You Want to Be Happy)
23. Don't Touch Me Tomato
24. Boo Boo Man (Mama Look a Boo Boo)
25. Wife and Mother
26. My Lima Beans
27. Four Day in the Morning
28. I Will Die a Bachelor
1. Jean and Dinah
2. Rock and Roll Calypso
3. Pretty Woman
4. The Three Old Maids
5. The Dollar and the Pound
6. Lazy Janie
7. Love, Love, Love!
8. No Doctor No (The Situation in Trinidad)
9. Day-o (The Banana Boat Song)
10. Picong Duel
11. Island Woman
12. Island in the Sun
13. The Naughty Little Flea
14. The Weed
15. Hill and Gully Ride (Mandeville Road)
16. Evening News
17. Healin' in De Balmyard
18. Dr Kinsey Report
19. Rose
20. Yellow Bird (Choucoune)
21. Madame Dracula
22. The Laziest Man
23. Love in the Cemetery