The Vampyrian belief is that most religions are based in there understandings of truth and are not complete truth or lies just what people understand but nothing is absolute. Most religions make people feel good that someone may be up there taking care of them if anything goes wrong they need not fear because someone up there will make it OK. That is good for most to keep them from worrying over small things since most people trend to do that. However it takes away your personal power which you can develop on your own especially if you are other kin (Vampyres, fea, and such). Our spirituality is that we have very Spiritual souls as Vampyres. This is my third book since 2006 in the Vampyrian Collection but the other two were the beginnings of this collection. The Vampyrian beliefs are best explained on the TempleUVUP site: http: // (c) Founding Father J P Vanir ChrstVampyr