Worldwide developments like globalization and scale increase have totally changed the port and maritime landscape as compared to two decades ago. These developments also generated new questions in relation to the future industrial-economic structure of the maritime and ports sector.
Does the evolution towards bigger ships continue in the direction of even more hub-and-spoke systems? Will there be further consolidation and concentration among shipping companies and port managers? What are the consequences in terms of negotiation power? Will an eventual integration be horizontal or vertical? How dynamic will ports become within logistics chains? What needs to be regulated, and what is to be left to market functioning?
Port Business goes a step further than any other book in answering the above questions and discusses how the recommendations formulated can be concretely implemented. The contributions cover topics including port policy, pricing, capacity, authorities, cooperation, financing, and hinterland, and contain scientifically revised academic as well as business papers, the ideas of which were validated at an expert colloquium.