If you're studying creative writing at a university or college, or considering doing so, this book will: show you what to expect from your course of study, demystify the habitual practices of the field, help you maximize your learning (including online), and advise you on how to sustain yourself as a writer after graduation. It offers a practical guide through the creative writing landscape for both undergraduate and graduate studies. Chapters give guidance on everything from developing ideas to revising your draft, from how to 'read as a writer' to how to give a reading, and from the mysteries of grading and critical and reflective studies to the opportunities afforded by literary citizenship. Between them the eleven contributors have had well over a hundred years of experience in teaching and studying the subject. All scholars at American universities or colleges, their creative work spans poetry, fiction and non-fiction. Studying Creative Writing-Successfully is the seventh title to be published in the international series, Creative Writing Studies.The series comprises titles on creative writing designed for use- by scholars, students, and teachers- in higher education settings.
Volume editor Stephanie Vanderslice is Professor of Creative Writing and Director of the Arkansas Writers MFA Workshop at the University of Central Arkansas. She has published three books on creative writing: Can It Really Be Taught?: Resisting Lore in Creative Writing Pedagogy (Heinemann, 2007), Teaching Creative Writing to Undergraduates:A Guide and Sourcebook (Fountainhead, 2012) (both with Kelly Ritter) and Rethinking Creative Writing (Professional and Higher Partnership, 2012). Her fiction and nonfiction has appeared in many journals, anthologies and online publications. In 2012 she was named Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching U.S. Professor of the Year for the state of Arkansas. Key words: creative writing; critical and reflective study; editing; giving a reading; grading, higher education, internships, learning, literary citizenship, online learning; reflection; revision; skills; study; writing strategies; writing workshop.