This inventory in Dutch contains a description of the records which Msgr.
Willy Onclin (1905-1989), professor of Canon Law in Louvain, has left
behind from 1960 till 1986. This book consists of two parts. A first part
concerns the activities of W. Onclin as peritus to the Second Vatican
Council, especially regarding the decrees Christus Dominus, Presbyterorum
ordinis and Optatam totius, the dogmatic constitution Lumen
gentium and the declaration Gravissimum educationis. The
greater second part draws up an inventory of the documents which W. Onclin
gathered in his function as assistant-secretary of the Papal Commission
for the Revision of the Code of Canon Law. It is devided following the
chapters of the new Code of 1983. In this commission W. Onclin was very
active concerning the Lex Ecclesiae Fundamentalis, the canons of Book I or
General Norms, of Book II or People of God and the canons on the
sacraments. By taking this book in the series Novum Commentarium
Lovaniense in Codicem Iuris Canonici we want to draw attention to and
stimulate the research of the wording of the Code of Canon Law of 1983.
This repertory gives namely a survey of the many varied sources, gathered
by a world-famous canon lawyer of Louvain, which can be useful for a
correct interpretation of the editorial history of the new Code.