SAFETY FIRST! NURSE'S MED DECK, FIFTEENTH EDITION, is the card deck version of the bestselling Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses(R), Fifteenth Edition. Like the book, it always puts safety first...emphasizing the information you need to know to administer medications safely...across the lifespan.
Find information on over 200 generic drugs, organized alphabetically.
Search the comprehensive index on the yellow cards by generic name, brand name, classification, or combination drug name.
Locate profiles of major therapeutic classifications on the cards that directly follow the index.
FREE DIGITAL ACCESS Redeem the access code inside to unlock your one-year, free subscription to Davis's Drug Guide Online, powered by Unbound Medicine. It's accessible from your desktop, laptop, or any mobile device with a web browser
5,000-drug database and appendices
Cross-referencing of drugs
FDA drug news
Red tab for high alert medications, plus in-depth high alert and patient safety coverage
Red, capitalized letters for life-threatening side effects
NEW! REP heading for use of drugs in males and females of reproductive age
Drug-drug, drug-food, drug-natural product interactions
Pedi, Geri, OB, and Lactation cautions
IV administration subheads
REMS (Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies) icon
Pharmacogenomic content and icon
Canadian-specific content
Much more!
LEARNING, CARE-PLANNING, AND PATIENT EDUCATION TOOLS Online at DavisPlus (Redeem the Plus Code on the inside front cover of a new, printed text to access your DavisPlus resources.)
Audio library for 1,200+ drug names
Three tutorials, each with a self-test
Calculators for body mass index (BMI), metric conversions, IV drip rates, dosage/kg, and Fahrenheit/Celsius
Interactive case studies, brief, real-life scenarios that are followed by a series of question
Med-Deck-style cards
Video clips illustrating the safe administration of medications
Animations demonstrating the administration and absorption of oral drugs
Schematic brain illustrations depicting the impact of certain DSM disorders and the effect of psychotropic medications on patients