Black Marquette is a compilation of essays written by Black Marquette alumni regarding their unique Marquette experiences.
This book is a labor of love—a love of Marquette and the love of the students who proudly attended the university. "Black Marquette" is about MARQUETTE PRIDE. The pride of all African American alumni of Marquette University who have passed through the doors of Marquette Hall in search of an education; walking the campus blocks of Wisconsin Avenue and Wells Street seeking to find out who they are and who they strive to be. For many of the Black alumni, their successes have gone unnoticed and overlooked. Their accomplishments, often hidden in the shadows, can now be celebrated in the light by all Marquette alumni.
It was a struggle for some Black alumni to complete their essays. A few of those participating described it as "peeling off a band-aid" to reveal some of the memories. There were tears shed. But those tears washed away the negative only to reveal tears of joy. Joy for the lifelong friendships they made; fond memories of activities they participated in that helped them make it through those college years; appreciation for the Jesuit education they received and for the professors and administrators who made a positive difference in their lives.
Though the book highlights the lives, struggles and successes of Black students over the years, it is a reminder to all students that you can overcome any obstacles and achieve success.