When Elsie Ralph, young mother of three, began a clandestine affair with a younger man David McGreavy, she could have had no inkling of the horror this relationship would eventually bring into her life. It would ultimately deprive her of her marriage but more importantly and most tragically, her three little children. Her husband Clive, five years Elsie's senior, reportedly had no inkling of the illicit love affair being carried on under their roof. The Monster of Worcester they called him. An apt title. One we give to non-human beings. What he did defies comparison or description. Not one act but three, perpetrated upon defenceless little children, any one of which was so incredibly cruel and inhumane it is unbearable to contemplate. This is the forensic numerological criminal analysis and profile of the perpetrator of the crime, David Anthony McGreavy, born on the 24th of September, 1951, in relation to the events that occurred on Friday, April 13th, Black Friday, in the year 1973.