Learn the ins and outs of managing a successful martial arts school with this practical business guide.
Do you dream of opening your own martial arts dojo some day? Are you in the process of planning and building a school? Do you have a school but struggle to run it efficiently and pay the bills? Then Starting and Running Your Own Martial Arts School is for you. This practical business guide teaches you the skills you need to ensure the success of your martial arts business. It includes advice on how to:
Build a memorable identity for your school
Find funding to get started
Unravel government red tape
Create a realistic fee schedule
Choose a location that will bring students through your door
Turn potential students into paying students
Hold on to your current students
Hire and develop good employees
Develop a feeling of financial security
Be ready for emergencies
Create and run a profitable pro shop
Pinpoint and solve problems
Starting and Running Your Own Martial Arts School contains proven business advice to help you create the martial arts school you want. This small business book turns time-tested business practices into simple, practical solutions to the business challenges you face every day.