Revisiting Procedural Human Rights - Fundamentals of Civil Procedure and the Changing Face of Civil Justice
Based on the wish to reopen an international comparative discussion on fundamental notions of civil procedure, this book offers a number of insights into procedural human rights from different jurisdictions and different points of view.
Contributions by: Alan Uzelac, C.H. van Rhee, Ales Galic, Richard L. Marcus, Laura Ervo, H.-P. Chen, Magne Strandberg, Z. Jelinic, S. Spinei, Daniel E van Loggerenberg, N. Baradanchenkova, K. Sergeeva, Jorg Sladic, Ivan Milotic, Tomislav Karlovic, Fokke Fernhout, S. Nieuwenhuis, B. Laarhoven, J. van Nuland, M. Held, Sladana Aras Kramar