Yearbook of the United Nations - Sixtieth Anniversary Edition, Towards Development, Security and Human Rights for All, Volume 59
This unique publication, the Sixtieth Anniversary Edition, chronicles all the major activities of the United Nations system, including those of intergovernmental and expert bodies, major reports, Secretariat activities and, in selected cases, the views of the Member States. It presents results of the 2005 World Summit Conference which gathered leaders from 170 countries to assess UN achievements and progress made towards implementation of the 2000 Millennium Declaration, and adopted measures contained in a Summit Outcome Document for the organisation's future course. This 1,716 pages volume is fully indexed and reproduces all major resolutions and decisions of the General Assembly, Security Council and Economic and Social Council issued during the year together with the voting records. The publication is an indispensable and authoritative reference tool for the research community, diplomats, government officials and the public at large seeking to gain a deeper understanding of the work of the organisation.