The UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics provides a comprehensive, reliable, coherent and comparable collection of statistical data relevant to the analysis of international trade, investment and development, for individual countries and for economic and trade groupings. The publication presents consolidated reference statistics considered of particular importance for describing how developing countries have evolved in the context of globalization for the following subjects: International merchandise trade, exports and imports structure by products and by regions of origin and destination, and related concentration and diversification indices; volume and unit value indices of exports and imports, terms of trade and purchasing power indices of exports; applied import tariff rates; international trade in services, exports and imports of services by service categories; world merchant fleet; commodity free-market prices and relevant price indices; international financial data: current account net of balance of payments, foreign direct investment, external indebtedness, migrants' remittances, international reserves, official financial flows and indicators of development: gross domestic product, population and labour force. The printed edition of the Handbook is a valuable tool for research, policy making and education, which can also be used in conjunction with the DVD containing the full time series of data.