"Progress of the World's Women 2005" marks the fifth anniversary of the U.N. Millennium Declaration and the tenth anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action. It argues that unless government and policymakers pay more attention to employment and its links to poverty, the campaign to make poverty history will not succeed, and the hope for gender equality will founder on women's growing economic insecurity. "Women, Work, and Poverty" makes the case for an increased focus on women's informal employment as a key pathway to reducing poverty and strengthening women's economic security. It provides the available data on the size and composition of the informal economy and compares national data on average earnings and poverty risk across different segments of the informal and formal workforces in six developing countries and one developed country to show the links between employment, gender, and poverty. This report can and should be used as a call to action to help activists, policymakers, governments, and the international community "make poverty history."