Over past several decades, an increasing number of cases of diverticulitis of colon have been reported making it a major health problem particularly in western countries. The distribution of the disease varies geographically with western population having prevalence rates of 5-45% and Asian population having prevalence rates of 13-25%. Although elderly people are more likely to develop diverticulitis, younger patients may also develop diverticular disease. In fact, it has been reported that disease in younger patients is more aggressive with higher rates of complication and recurrence. According to latest statistical reports acute diverticulitis accounts to nearly 200000 hospital admissions putting a burden of 2.7 billion dollars on healthcare system in America. Diverticular disease can cause significant symptoms, impair quality of life and can prove fatal if left untreated and is considered as the fifth most costly gastrointestinal disorder in the Western world. The book entitled, Diverticulitis; Diagnosis and Treatment, presents an up to date review of the medical and surgical management of diverticulitis. The book comprises of various topics discussing the background, epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, presentation, treatment both medical and surgical, and recent advances in the management of diverticulitis. The book will be academic interest for surgeons, physicians, gastroenterologists and Coloproctologists. The book can be used as a reference book by teachers, professionals and students. The main benefit of reading this book is that since this disease entity is common all over the world and its incidence is increasing and is a significant contributor of health care costs, all the relevant and latest information regarding this disease has been published in a comprehensive form which will be helpful to the students, academicians, researchers and professionals dealing with medical healthcare.