Foreword by Heidi Hayes Jacobs
This user friendly resource packed with templates, flowcharts, tips and trouble-shooting for curriculum mapping supplements the work of Udelhofen's frequent conference collaborator and leading curriculum mapping author Heidi Hayes Jacobs. The work is grounded in the author's consulting work with schools, conference presentations with fellow experts in the process, and research on effective schools. Her process includes a working through of concerns and issues that frequently impede initial progress, including finding time and trusting sharing of information. She provides needed templates and know-how to adopt and use this process to support other initiatives aimed at school improvement, including NCLB and professional development.
Features include:
" School improvement initiatives, including NCLB
" Learning community expertise
" Curriculum mapping to standards
" Paper templates and review of assistive mapping software
" Step-by-step guidelines
" Illuminating quotes from teachers and leaders in the field