If you are one of the hundreds of thousands of people in Britain who regularly take collective decisions - in a club, in business, in local or central government, or indeed in any other organisation - this book offers essential advice. The combination of Dr Edgar Anstey's professional expertise, as a former government Chief Psychologist, and Paul Tyler's practical experiences provides invaluable, topical guidance. Along the way we discover how the winner of the Man Booker Prize is chosen, how bishops (men only, but for how long?) are selected and how Margaret Thatcher plumped for the Channel Tunnel option. By what process did Tony Blair translate from a lost deposit to a safe Labour seat? How could the Liberal Democrats get into the coalition bed with David Cameron after the failure to do a deal with Edward Heath in 1974? And while politicians look on the House of Lords as a very comfortable and rewarding retirement home will there ever be a decision on its reform?
Illustrated by: Norman Thelwell