It's no surprise that our lives change over time. These changes are due in part to our beliefs, but also from our experience and the various tensions pulling us one way or another.
Using celebrity charts to illustrate his approach, on this third volume of his Masterwork Series Tyl reveals how to give a complete horoscope reading and go the extra mile to make this information practical, bringing the planets down to Earth. It has often been the exposition of this human factor, this using of astrology to help a person understand what is going on in life and make necessary changes, that is omitted from astrology training. Tyl not only explores this personalization of astrology, he shows how you can easily see the interplay of life experiences through House rulerships and use this information to make educated and wise choices.
Make no mistake about it. This is not your grandparent's astrology training! This is the latest in astrological thinking, showing you the way to use astrology to help people on their paths though life.