The most thorough listing of Jack "King" Kirby's work ever published!Building on the 1998 "Silver Edition," this new, fully-updated, definitive GoldEdition compiles an additional decade's worth of corrections and additions bytop historians, in a new trade paperback format with premium paper for archivaldurability. It lists in exacting detail every published comic featuring Kirby'swork, including dates, story titles, page counts, and inkers. It evencross-references reprints, to help collectors locate less-expensive versions ofkey Kirby issues, and includes an extensive bibliography listing books,periodicals, portfolios, fanzines, posters, and other obscure pieces withKirby's art, plus a detailed list of Jack's unpublished work as well. Thisedition includes a complete listing of the over 5,000-page archive of Kirby'spersonal pencil art photocopies, and scattered throughout are dozens of examplesof rare and unseen Kirby art, making this a must-have item for serious Kirbycollectors and eBay shoppers!
Visual artist(s): Lucy Collin, Feifei Ruan, Jared Cullum, Brandon Dayton, Conor Nolan