Recognitionofindividualwrittenwordsisdifficultwhentherearenohitespacesbetweenword sand iti seven mo red if fic ultifthes pace sare inwrongpo sit is ion sand a sac onse quence the rear en or elia ble cue stow here on ewor dend sand theo ther be gins.
This example demonstrates the difficulties related to missing and misleading information about word boundaries in visual word recognition. Incidentally, it also captures some aspects of spoken word recognition. The former part of the signal consists only of a string of graphemes without white spaces between words. Nonetheless, it contains all the necessary details so that words can be recognized. The goal, however, is achieved at the expense of time. Word recognition is delayed without additional cues to word boundaries. In the latter part of the example, mislocated cues, white spaces in wrong positions, make the reader's task more difficult than missing cues.