Ce deuxieme rapport de fouille comprend d'abord la publication du batiment " post-akkadien " mis au jour dans le chantier D en 1999 et 2000. La publication porte sur l'architecture et les trouvailles, notamment sur la poterie.Le volume contient aussi deux presentations preliminaires. La premiere concerne les echantillons preleves dans les chantiers H et I pour les datations par archeo-magnetisme et la deuxieme, la prospection geomorphologique et resistivimetrique.This second excavation report mainly concerns the publication of the "post-akkadian" building excavated in Area D in 1999 and 2000. The papers present the architectural remains and the material found in the building, particularly the pottery.This volume also contains two preliminary presentations: the first one is that of the samples taken from Areas H and I for the archaeo-magnetical datations and the second one presents the results of the geomorphological and resistivimetric survey.