The first of its kind, Body, Space, Image is a remarkable book about improvisation - a narrative of discovery that sets the mind loose from the rut of everyday perception. From a starting point in movement, improvisation is extended to include groups working together and the physical setting of performance - space, light , sound, objects. Generously illustrated with examples drawn from the last twenty years of experimental performance, Body, Space, Image explores ways of working and ways of thinking about performance that will inspire both the beginner and the experienced artist. It is a manual intended to stimulate rather than instruct. It offers rich pickings rather than a comprehensive system of working, and includes a unique collection of images - from dance theatre, and painting - and statements by working artists. Words and images combine to celebrate and record one of the most exacting art forms developed this century. Body Space Image has always been in demand as a standard work for dancers and other artists. It is now again reprinted having been unavailable for almost a year.