To guarantee the credibility and value of an NVQ - irrespective of subject matter - it is critical that standards are maintained to ensure consistency nationwide. The assessor needs to ensure that all papers are marked in the same way, the verifier needs to ensure that the same standards are maintained across all assessors, and the candidate needs to know what is expected of them. This is the only book for assessors and verifiers and is essential reading for anyone involved in vocational education, including those taking NVQs.
Packed with detailed and reliable guidance, this essential handbook - now in its fourth edition - gives a template for success. From the assessor's point of view, it shows the standards expected to ensure objectivity and consistency when assessing and marking the work submitted by the candidate. For the verifier, it gives a detailed template for delivering absolute consistency across assessors. For the candidate, it shows what is expected from the assessor in terms of presentation of work, recording of documents and the correct submission of material.
The book now includes the latest knowledge requirements under Domain E: Assessment. Complete with examples and case studies, this handbook is the standard guide for anyone involved in the awarding of the NVQ.
Previously published as The NVQ Assessor and Verifier Handbook.