Knowing Christ in the Challenge of Heresy responds to the modern-day challenges to the biblical understanding of the person and work of Jesus by systematically and thoroughly documenting what many cults believe about Jesus, and countering with a biblical, exegetical response. The author carefully details the nature of heresy in the quest to know Christ, patterning his response after the early Christian Church's encounters with heresy. Like the early Christians, he turns to the Bible for answers, resulting in a deeper understanding of the person of Christ. He discusses the areas of the pre-existent deity of Christ, the incarnate deity of Christ, and places special emphasis on what many cults think of Christ, and their challenge to the Church. He provides a biblical response to these questions, secondarily creating a useful sourcebook containing what many religious organizations think of Christ, as well as biblical passages that depict Jesus as fully God, fully man, and fully able to save all who call upon Him.