A remarkable family saga began in the early 1960s when Mac Tschanz helped establish a Department of Geology in the high Andes mountains of Bolivia. His next assignment was in Colombia where he trained geologists while mapping in the lawless Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. During nine years in South America Mac and his wife, Ginny, lived a continuous adventure in exotic surroundings. Years later, 2nd generation Tor and Dawn in nine months time trekked from Chile to Guatemala where they met Mac and Ginny at the ruins of Tikal. Another son, Michael, mounted Peruvian expeditions in which he climbed two peaks above 20,000 ft, bicycled across the Andes, and descended into Colca Canyon, the world's deepest. His daughter, Meghan, served on a mission during two summers in Costa Rica. Their observations were recorded in contemporaneous letters, journals and diaries, imparting immediacy to an amazing fifty year family saga.