In A FlashIn 1989, Susan Trudeau--the woman who later would become known as author and Earth Mage Smoky Trudeau Zeidel, was struck by lightning. This is the remarkable tale of her ordeal, her struggle to overcome physical injuries that would have killed most people, and her triumph in learning to live a life of joy and inspiration despite chronic pain.Lesser OffensesJack Swanson's stepmother, Carlotta, makes a fairy tale stepmother look like Mother of the Year. Carlotta walking in on him in the bathroom is the last straw. Just how far will Jack go to rid himself of his evil stepmother?LeapDoes a person have a right to choose their own death, despite the protest of loved ones?BreatheArmondo and Daisy are terribly mismatched. But is their marriage doomed because he is irresponsible, or because she won't give him room to breathe?Good-Bye, Emily DickinsonA homeless woman who thinks she's the daughter of Emily Dickinson takes her poetry to the streets, where she finds compassion from some and abuse from others. Goodbye Emily Dickinson puts a face on the homeless in a poignant story about love and loss and the power of kindness.Breakfast at the LaundromatPurple chenille bedspreads and quail eggs. Mismatched socks and espresso. A lost soul and a free spirit. Can two people find love over breakfast at the laundromat?