This book presents how to recreate therapeutic landscapes in everyday places of eco-neighbourhoods. The concept of eco-neighbourhoods goes beyond the traditional form of a residential district. Eco-neighbourhoods are characterized by many aspects related to sustainability, including protection of the environment, building social capital, ensuring a high quality of life with low economic costs, and promoting social and environmental justice. The presented work aims to systematize these phenomena and interpret them.
The action to take care of our common home, the Earth, starts locally. Creating townscapes that can promote everyday health could improve the standards of living on our planet. In both hemispheres, the majority of people live in cities; therefore, examples of good practices described in this book come from all inhabited continents. Education is the most empowering tool, which can change the future for many. Implementing eco-neighbourhoods may bring well-deserved change and hope to people in less-favoured locations of the globe.
This book will be of interest to practitioners and students of architecture, civil and environmental engineering, landscape design, spatial management, urban planning, and related fields.