Combining an illustrated handbook of construction and the bestselling guide to the Building Regs, this essential bundle provides complete coverage for the builder at a great price! The 2 books together tell you what needs to be done by law and show you step-by-step how to do it.
Building Construction Handbook (ISBN: 9780750686228) is full of detailed drawings that clearly illustrate the construction of building elements. It contains the latest guidance on energy conservation, sustainable construction, environmental and green building issues.
Building Regulations in Brief (ISBN: 9780750684446) is sensibly organised by building element rather than by regulation, so that you can quickly lay your hands on whatever you need to know from whichever document. The authors' practical and no-nonsense advice will enable you to comply with the regulations in the simplest and most cost-effective manner.
Bundled together to save you money, this is the ideal way to get to grips with best practice as quickly and as cheaply as possible.