Metal Cutting: Theory, Selection and Design, Fifth Edition builds upon the more than forty- year history of this classic work which has been the go-to reference for individuals working in the area of metal cutting. This latest 5th edition covers the increased use of coated and ceramic cutting tool materials that have taken place since the 4th edition's publication in 2000. The book includes a new extensive chapter on coated cutting tools and updated and expanded chapters on ceramic cutting tools and machinability. A discussion of wear mechanisms and their governing equations is included, as well as updates on tool micro-examination, use of the quick-stop method and tool temperature determination. Each chapter ends with a comprehensive bullet point summary. This book will be useful for those studying and teaching courses on metal cutting and machining processes at the advanced undergraduate and graduate level in universities, as well as professional materials scientists and mechanical engineers engaged in the industrial manufacturing sectors like those centred on automotive and aerospace component production.
- Dispels misconceptions concerning the cutting tool-workpiece interface interaction during turning, milling and drilling operations and dispel misconceptions concerning the structure and properties of cutting tool materials
- Clarify the reality of cutting tool wear mechanisms and show how their complexity depends on the rates of metal removal and the properties of the workpiece being machined
- Passes on 'best practice' for the determination and evaluation of cutting tool wear and shows how to determine and investigate tool contact stresses, temperatures and chip (swarf) formation in metal cutting