Kaathi, the enlightened Healer, and Jacob, the Warrior, together with the Tall Ones, Evette and Gene, set out on another adventure to Sumati to share their loving philosophy. They teach the Sumatian women they are equal to their men and meet with anger and great resistance from the men. Kaathi convinces Victor, the village head, to establish a body of laws that gives women equality, protection and justice. Ashlee escapes from a mutant village where she has been a slave for 18 years only to be tracked down by her owner. Jacob saves Ashlee by killing the mutant and discovers he is falling in love with her, in spite of her having been a slave. Sharika, a member of the Hun Nation, has noticed in-breeding affecting her people and has traveled many days to distant villages in search of a mate. Victor welcomes Sharika into his village and is instantly enamored by her attractiveness and Amazonian, chiseled body.