If you've ever been unemployed or are currently unemployed,
then you know the magical soul-searching journey
that is looking for a job. From sending hundreds of
emails into the black void that is the internet job market
to contemplating whether you should pick up a life of
crime to pay the bills, unemployment brings out the darkest
attributes in a person. It starts off as a time for freedom
and bucket-list vacations, but it slowly downward
spirals into a battle against job market trolls and unemployment
dragons-but maybe that's just a sign that you
might need to leave the house, buddy.
Presenting the sequel to 99 Signs You Are Not in the 1%,
S.m. Torres gives you 99 Signs You Are Unemployed, a book
that covers each stage of unemployment, from denial to
madness to recovery. It's a difficult journey to embark
upon, but there's no room for giving up. It may get
rough. It may get weird. But in the end, someone's got to
hire you eventually, right?