First quality reprint of this famous travelogue. Relevant for anybody interested in Asia travels and colored plate books of the 19th century We were six white men in all - Our intention was to march from Simla due north to Le, the capital of Ladak; thence west-ward to Sree-nuggur, the capital of Kashmir; thence in a south-easterly direction via Chumba, and Kangra back to Simla, - in all, a circuit considerably over one thousand miles. This scheme was carried out in its integrity by only two of the party. For travellers who, like us, were anxious to see as much as possible in three short months, and were not disinclined to rough it, I can conceive no better route, leading us as it did through every vicissitude of Himalayan scenery, over the high table-lands of Thibetan Tartary, into the verdant vale of Kashmir, and so back through the tamer but scarcely less beautiful scenery of the lower ranges of the Himalaya, to the, tea-planted slopes of the Kangra valley, at which point the traveller may consider his wanderings in what has been called the Alpine Punjab at an end.'
This excerpt from the opening of "Travels in Ladakh, Tartary, and Kashmir" by Lieutenant General Sir Henry D'Oyley Torrens offers a taste of this extraordinary book , originally published in 1862. Studio Orientalia's edition of this famous travelogue is based on the rare first edition published by Saunders Otley & Co. The text has been retyped and newly formatted according to the original, with 12 coloured plates, 2 of them folding panoramas in original size, numerous line-drawn illustrations and decorations to the text, included.