Exam Board: SQA
Level: Higher
Subject: Science
First Teaching: September 2014
First Exam: June 2015
Higher Biology for CfE provides complete coverage of the latest SQA
syllabus for the Revised Higher (for examination 2012 onwards), and is
tailored specifically to the extended requirements, teaching approaches and
syllabus outlines detailed in the Higher revisions for Curriculum for
Excellence. It is therefore appropriate for all new Higher Biology syllabus
requirements from 2012 onwards.
Each section of the book matches a unit of the revised syllabus; each chapter
corresponds to a content area. In addition to the core text, the book contains
a variety of special features, including Learning Activities (Case Studies, Case
Histories, Related Topics, Research Topics, Related Activities and
Investigations), Practical Activities and Reports, Testing Your Knowledge,
What You Should Know and Applying Your Knowledge and Skills.
A without-answers version of the text is also available (978 1 444 15863 2).