The Scotsman enters and exits the Canada Revenue Building in Toronto and 45 minutes later the Source Deductions Agency was left in a state of shock and horror as 4 of their own were executed in cold-blood. Several days later the exclusive Hoggs Hollow region of Toronto was stunned by the murder of the former head of that same agency, executed gangland style in his own home. No suspects were ever apprehended for either case. No leads were ever found. On a horse farm in rural Ontario another brutal murder takes place with the killer actually calling in the crime. The first PC on the scene known the victim, as do several detectives from the investigating Homicide Squad.From a distance of over a kilometer away, shots kill several of the detectives. Neither the initial killer nor the sniper are ever found. At the Whitby police station a PC is shot... The story behind all the kills. Based on a true story.