The story of a man who achieved what thousands only dream of. He abandoned the pressures of life as a journalist in noisy, overcrowded cities and exchanged it for self-sufficiency, solitude and a new purpose. After finding a remote plot of land among trees, rocks and cliffs along the coastline in British Columbia, he moved in with boat, typewriter and tent to start a new life. How he eventually built his log cabin, learned to live off the sea, adjusted to the hardest taskmaster of all - nature - fought loneliness and became inevitably drawn to a greater spiritual understanding of his remote environment is an inspiring story. His adventures with bald eagles, a cheeky raccoon, a lame seagull, killer whales and other creatures are as informative as they are captivating. Three extraordinary characters enhanced his experiences: Ed Louette, a skilled backwoods carpenter; Pappy Tihoni, a Scots-Indian of uncanny animal sense who guided him on his most dangerous but fulfilling expedition into the mountains; and wild dog Booto, who scratched at his cabin door when loneliness threatened to overwhelm.