Text is ideal for a one-semester finite mathematics course for business, economics, life and social science students. Business and non-business majors will benefit from this book which contains many detailed practical examples and real-life applications for both audiences. This text motivates learning by weaving contemporary real-life applications together with conceptual mathematics. This class-tested book also features numerous pedagogic tools, self-help exercises, graphing calculator problems and instructor aids. Features: * Many sections open with a practical, applied problem expressed in familiar vocabulary that is used throughout the section in examples and then solved after the necessary mathematics have been developed. * Excellent, step-by-step explanations for translating word problems into appropriate mathematically solvable formulas. * Self-help exercises precede each exercise set enabling students to test their mastery of skills and readiness for the exercises.
* Optional graphing calculator exercises are grouped together at the end of appropriate sections and are supported by an appendix designed to familiraize students with their calulators and give them important programs. * Probability is presented as a natural phenomena in business and science. Empirical probability is used to show how the abstract definition of probability arises, resulting in practical insights into probability and statistics. * Unique Chapter 11 offers coverare of dynamic systems with an emphasis on mathematical modeling and qualitative behavior. Both linear and nonlinear logistic equations are discussed. * Abundant pedagogy includes Definition, Theorem and Procedure boxes, Warnings, historical comments, and concise chapter reviews.