The Holy Grail of Networked Storage Management addresses the problems inherent in current storage architectures - including direct-attached, network-attached (NAS), and storage area networks (SAN) - in sharp contrast to marketing hype promulgated by vendor marketing departments. Toigo explores practical measures for surmounting the limitations of current technology and offers advice to readers who confront the two towers of storage pain: provisioning storage to applications, and protecting data from loss or corruption. The Holy Grail of Networked Storage Management provides readers with the ability to critique current product offerings and to select and deploy those technologies that will deliver real business value in their infrastructure. This book lays the groundwork for a consumer movement in data storage. The author suggests some methods for gaining advantage in product purchasing and seeks to empower consumers through the creation of critical knowledge and skills to make effective storage choices that address current and strategic goals. The book focuses on the business value of technology and offers techniques and best practices for deriving the most value from storage acquisitions using the least amount of precious resources. Do more with less is the mantra of business managers in a challenged economy and implementing the guidance offered in this book may help to realize this goal in the reader's own data storage infrastructure.