British television journalist Camilla Cage unexpectedly falls in love with Harry Smith, a sheep-farming Aussie after she completes an eventful and often hair-raising round the world assignment doing research for a television programme about men who contact marriage bureaux to find a wife. After a year or tow of happy life on his sheep station and producing a son, husbnad Harry unexpectedly meets an untimely death at the controls of his light-plane, and life for Camilla changes yet again; especially when she is hunted down by a previous 'date gone wrong', a cross-dressing psychopath for whom the American secret service has been searching as a treacherous double-agent responsible for many deaths. Camilla is coerced into becoming bait to trap him, a chase which ends on a remote tropical island in the Pacific. Will her 'controller' and head of the American spy team be her new-found love, or would she be wiser to return to Australia to watch her young son grow up to be a rancher like his dad?