Boris Tishchenko is a distinguished artist among those in Russia at the end of the twentieth century. Being mostly intellectual and psychological composer he manages to work both the developed composition and the detailed miniature. Regardless of the genre each of his works is remarkable by his music language messages, so as by his temper and new decisions. Together with Tishchenko symphonies his piano sonatas are significant and characteristically various. All the nine sonatas represent the new decision of the large keenly dramatical cycle. One may feel Tishchenko's great piano-player experience in their material.
Sonata No 9 is a unique cycle on the base of the three lyrical genres' connection: Nocturne, Pastoral and Barcarole. Determined in their own moods the parts are, though, directed dynamically to Barcarolle -- the main dramatical result. Though retaining their typical genre features the composition grows into lyrical and dramatical one by means of polyphony and keen conflicts of the material. Usual for Tishchenko intensity and vast melodious development are at their height in this Sonata.
Sonata No 9 dates back to 1993. Being composed for scene repertoire it may be also studied by the students.