'The Quest Of The Black Knight' is an enchanting and exciting tale of a young boy called Sam who has a love of night time exploration. Join him as he embarks on the most mysterious and dangerous adventure of his life. Strange things are going on at his school and his best friend has suddenly disappeared. Has the creepy and rather odd looking new teacher got anything to do with it? What is hidden behind the locked door at the end of the Year 6 corridor? Journey with our young hero as he weaves his way through a maze of twists, surprises, shocks and puzzles which see him battle with medieval knights, travel to new places and meet new friends. Will he find any answers to help him achieve his ultimate quest. a quest which could literally be a matter of life or death! This gripping tale of friendship, loyalty, courage and sacrifice will appeal to both boys and girls aged 9-13 years - Are you ready to join in The Quest Of The Black Knight?