The Charlatans -yhtyeestä tutun Tim Burgessin viides sooloalbumi on ehdottomasti kuuntelemisen arvoinen.
"Unravelling fresh surprises with each listen, ‘I Love The New Sky’ is the sort of immersive cult-pop experience that should break the ‘trending’ column in its own right." (Mark Beaumont/NME)
"His fifth solo record, self-penned in its entirety for the first time, throws another delightful curveball. Enlisting the help of experimental art-rock musician and arranger Daniel O’Sullivan, Burgess’s musical touchpoints of 1970s-era Brian Eno and Paul McCartney are audible on the textured squelch of guitars, piano and rich flourishes of string arrangements." (Lauren Murphy/The Irish Times)
CD / Album
1. Empathy for the Devil
2. Sweetheart Mercury
3. Comme D'habitude
4. Sweet Old Sorry Me
5. Warhol Me
6. Lucky Creatures
7. The Mall
8. Timothy
9. Only Took a Year
10. I Got This
11. Undertow
12. Laurie