The leading guide which includes details of over 400 companies and 162 associated corporate charities in the UK that support community and voluntary organisations. The guide gives advice on what to be aware of when seeking company support and how to apply.
The guide includes details on companies' giving strategies and advice on how to identify those companies most likely to support your organisation. It also contains a full description of each company's community activities and a separate section on more than 150 corporate grant-making charities which together give almost GBP300 million. Each entry includes an at-a-glance profile, outlining:
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) information
Levels of giving in the UK and whether in cash or in-kind
Partnerships, including Charity of the Year
Matched funding and payroll giving
Pro bono work
Commercially led support, including sponsorship
Both voluntary organisations seeking support from corporates and companies looking to develop their community giving strategy should own this indispensable guide. Research organisations and individuals investigating UK corporate giving and CSR will also need this key resource.