Karl Barth: A Future for Postmodern Theology'' What doe the colon and the question mark in the title signfy' Does the collection colon denote relatedness or separation' What is the effect of the question mark' Does the interrogative question the future of Karl Barth's approach to theology, make a clain for Barth as a postmodern theologian, or challenge the notion of postmodern theology altogether ...' {These papers} pose sharply the question of how the name Karl Barth and postmodern theology relate. Or, more pointedly, how or whether theology as understgood and practised by Karl Barth and self declared postmodern theology have anything to do with each other at all' from the epilogue by Wes Campbell. The two editors teach Systematic Thelogy in Australia. Chris Moster was author of God and the Future: Wolfhart Pannenberg's Eschatological Doctrine of God, T&T Clark/ Continuum, 2002 . This volume has a number of essays by John Webster on Karl Barth and his theology.