The crystalline structure of an Interra was pure and nearly perfect in its design. It was largely made up of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen, like all other living things on earth, and contained some phosphorus and calcium, just like the human body; however, while the human body contained small amounts of sulfur, the Interra structure contained a small amount of cadmium, which gave it a beautiful, soft bluish hue.Every now and then, a five year old human boy named Max would be drawn over to the window sill in his bedroom, where the terrarium he'd received as a birthday gift sat. Max had told his parents on many a night that his terrarium was shining. Max's parents took his claims as boyish imagination but Max knew better. He may have been just five years old but he knew that his terrarium was special, and that there was intelligent life within. Max wanted to meet these life forms and make friends with them.