Reason finds little space in man's preoccupation with the presumed accommodations of the hereafter. Indeed, for many, so great is the comfort of belief in eternal life that they cease to respond to the beauty and endless variety of the good earth. Thus the self obscures the whole: caring for the earth is looking beyond self; it is caring about our grandchildren and all subsequent life for which we have provided a link. The Reason Bible is a book of the earth and of America. It suggests that what men call God is only a hint of the larger truth and that it is time for America to find the larger truth. It is time for Americans to come together to select new leaders that will take this great nation beyond war, beyond religious pretense, and beyond arrogance. As individuals, as products of the larger truth, we have nothing to fear. Obsessive concern for the self inhibits spiritual progress; caring about the earth and its life means supporting the god of compassion, decency, reason, and dignity.