Crisesof Empire offers a comprehensive and uniquelycomparative analysis of the history of decolonization in the British, Frenchand Dutch empires.By comparing the processesof decolonization across three of the major modern empires, from the aftermathof the First World War to the late 20th century, the authors are able toanalyse decolonization as a long-term process. They explore significant changes to the international system, shiftingpopular attitudes to colonialism and the economics of empire. This new edition incorporates the latestdevelopments in the historiography, as well as:- Increased coverage of theBelgian and Portuguese empires- New introductions to each ofthe there main parts, offering some background and context to British, Frenchand Dutch decolonization- More coverage of culturalaspects of decolonization, exploring empire 'from below'- A new glossary, explaining keyterms This new edition of Crises of Empire is essential reading for all students of imperialhistory and decolonization. In particular,it will be welcomed by those who are interested in taking a comparative,putting the history of decolonization in a pan-European framework.