Dr. Jennifer Thomas is a practicing pediatrician who encounters new moms every day who are struggling with breastfeeding. Having nursed all three of her sons, she knows women struggling with breastfeeding need a little more than advice and reassurance, sometimes they need a plan. This book provides that plan, coupled with real medical information,guidance, and reassurance. It empowers moms with the knowledge they need to trust their instincts and their bodies to feed their babies. In part 1, Dr. Jen, with the assistance of Lisa Holewa, dispenses suggestions for breastfeeding success in seven steps-know that breastmilk is not just food, know where you are going and why, take the first step and then baby steps, trust your baby and yourself, be prepared for roadblocks, when in need tell your story, and enjoy the good times and celebrate every step! Dr. Jen is an experienced runner, so she makes exercise-inspired comparisons to breastfeeding. In part 2, she answers common questions and gives solutions-from should I get a breast pump before my baby is born to dealing with nipple pain to is my baby constipated.
Part 3 describes how you can advocate for other breastfeeding moms and why you need to speak up if you get bad information. In the epilogue, Dr. Jen tells you in a humorous way everything you need to know to be a perfect parent. If you want a fun, easy read that is packed with critical information and advice, this is the book for you.