This disk/manual package contains statistical and documentary material of various forms, exclusively focused on Wales, covering the period 1945-1990. A database is contained one 3.5" disk presented in a folder arrangement. The accompanying handbook describes the purpose and content of the database and provides easy-to-follow instructions for the user. The main contents are a collection of 8000 bibliographical references covering a wide range of material (including Welsh language reference) produced within and outside Wales. Items include: books and monographs; journal articles; unpublished theses; central and local government publications; newspaper and magazine articles; pamphlets; and reports produced by (and for) official and unofficial organizations. Topics covered include: industrial change and development (by sector); labour issues; investment; housing; government policy; population; culture; education; health; crime; religion; rural, urban and environment issues; planning; and political change. In addition, a statistical section with 61 tables covering the main socio-economic indicators, a calendar of key events and a list of key addresses, together with guidance regarding source material and further informationi, are provided.